The Little Thing
The Little Thing (credits for the name goes to the fantastic Manuell Muzzu) is the original design of our mini bass series. The beginnings of this project date back to 2011 when we decided to build a great quality practice bass guitar in a perfectly portable size. The very first piece had no pickup at all. When we built a second, we equipped it with our hidden magnetic pickup system, consisting of one pickup for each string, hidden underneath the fingerboard. The sound was so enjoyable and unique that we just wanted to build more and more! It can be configured with a piezo system, magnetic pickups, or a combination of both. Other possible options include onboard EQ’s and even a built-in headphone preamp! The flexibility and pure joy that this bass brings inspires musicians to experiment and make something new.
Starting price for 4-string Little Thing with passive magnetic pickup is: € 1400
Starting price for 4-string Little Thing with pasive magnetic pickup and headless system is: €1600
Prices increase with additional options such as more strings, an additional pickup system or preamp.
Fretted 5
The Little Thing, fretted! With our violin stock maple top and neck, oak body and ebony fingerboard. White oil finish for smoothest touch.
This little ba(da)ss has sweeter sound than maaany bigger brothers due to excellend Delano pickup with coil switch and custom ETS piezo headless system made specially for this instrument. I can slap, sing and squeeze the juice, yeah!
Another baby is done – I have some great seasoned violin backs in shop and finally I found a purpose of their existance here
Piccolo Bass
Here’s some details of The Piccolo Bass… a custom travel and scene instrument builded for a great bass player Jochen Schmidt-Hambrock
Process of creation…
Contact Us
If you have question, want to place an order or just talk about our work please send us a message, we'll try to reply as soon as possible.
Marek Dąbek
ul. 23 Maja 4
09-533 Juliszew, Poland